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The guide section is designed for linear reading. Don't skip anything; it's a quick read, and you'll surly start getting it in just a couple of hours!

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Directory breakdown

Here's a breakdown of what each directory represents:

  • app/ directory contains all the application-specific files.

    • Http/ directory contains all the files related to handling HTTP requests, such as controllers, middlewares and router files.

    • Libraries/ You can customize the framework by adding your own library files here. Each empty library directory has a corresponding vendor library. Add your own, and then redirect the Composer autoload to that directory to circumvent the Vendor library.

    • Models and Services/ Here you could also create your models and service directory if you want.

  • public/ directory contains all the files that can be accessed directly by the user. This it the directory you should navigate to to see your site in action. You can also change the name on the directory to whatever fits your needs without breaking anything.

    • index.php file serves as the entry point for the application.

    • css/ directory contains the stylesheets for the application.

    • js/ directory contains the JavaScript files for the application.

  • config/ directory contains all the configuration files for the application.

  • resources/ directory contains all the view/template files for the application.

  • The vendor/ directory contains foundation files an all your third-party libraries that the application may use.

  • The storage/ directory is used to store application-generated files, such as log files, cache files, and maybe uploaded files.

  • .env file contains environment variables.

  • composer.json and composer.lock files are for managing dependencies with Composer.

Last updated

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