
You can also trigger different kinds of redirects utilizing the Responder.


Reload current page

This will reload the current URL.


Redirect page

This will redirect to specified URL.


OK Reload modal

This will reload the current URL when the user clicks a OK button in a modal with message.

$this->provider->responder()->okReload("The page will reload");

OK redirect modal

This will redirect to specified URL when the user clicks a OK button in a modal with message.

$this->provider->responder()->okRedirect("You will be redirected", "");

Confirm Reload modal

Will reload the page if the user clicks a OK button in a modal with message. If user clicks "Cancel" button then it will do nothing.

$this->provider->responder()->confirmReload("Do you want to reload the page?");

Confirm redirect modal

Will redirect the page to specified URL if the user clicks a OK button in a modal with message. If user clicks "Cancel" button then it will do nothing.

$this->provider->responder()->confirmRedirect("Do you want to be redirected?", "");

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